
Showing posts from January, 2019
YouTube links for Focus group and Vlog Focus group Vlog

03 - Understanding new digital media services


02 - Understanding new digital media products


01 - Enterprise Skills

Working at a hairdressers I must use many enterprise skills to ensure I keep up with safety hazards and welcoming customers. Using initiative: At work I always have to make sure I ask all the customers if they would like a drink, I also have to make sure I'm always available in case I am needed to help out with one of the stylists. I have to put all the colour boxes in order and make sure I empty the washing basket when ever it's full. I have to be aware of any safety hazards around the salon, for example if water is spilt on the floor then it in my hands to make sure this is cleaned up so no one slips over. Working independently: Many of the above cover this to, however if all the stylists are busy then I have to take care of the front desk and make sure I book and check all the correct appointments and when taking a call I have to make sure I answer all the customers questions and book appointments correctly. Applying self-motivation to perform tasks: When competing in a

04 - Primary research to generate ideas for a media service.

The target audience of my new service is going to be aimed at 15-30 year olds.. My service is going to be a You Tube channel on reviewing different TV shows with my friend. I decided to make this particular service because I feel I understand a lot about TV shows as I'm always watching them so I will be able to talk about them. Step 1 -  For my service I will be making a You Tube channel and I will be talking about and reviewing TV shows and whether they are realistic and would this actually happen in everyday life, I will be also give a rating scale on how good I think the TV show was and I will also do a different rating scale on different things in the film. for example if the TV show is comedy I will do a rating scale on hoe much comedy was used and whether it was funny, whereas if it was a horror TV show I would rate how scary or gory it was. Focus group - Questions – 1)       What’s your favourite type of TV show? 2)       What do you expect to see in this TV