10 - evaluation
Evaluating the impact of Enterprise skills in researching, developing ideas and producing a brief.
While doing the research, writing and voice/video records for my blog post I included enterprise skills. I feel I used a range of many skills to do this. When writing these blog post and doing research I had to work independently to know what to write and when looking up information on the internet for secondary research and including the right information. Within this I applied research skills when having to look up information for me to include and talk about in my blog posts. When gathering information for my primary research I had to use communication skills and my initiative. I applied team work within my blog post as for blog post 8 we had to talk to a group about our ideas and needed feedback on this. I gave feedback on two peoples work and they also helped me out my giving me some feedback on my idea. I had to use many written skills within these blog post when finding out information for me to include in the written posts, and I also used communication skills when having to talk to others about my idea and explain what I would like to do. When giving feedback on others ideas too I also had to use my communication skills. Problem solving was used when I create 3 different logo ideas and having to decide which one I wanted to use as my logo on my You Tube channel, I also had to use problem solving when the sound cut out on one of my vlogs so I had to work around this to re film it in time for the deadline. I used my initiative when researching and making sure I was looking at the correct information and picking different ideas to use in my channel. Lastly, I self motivated myself to get the blog posts done in time for the deadline so I had to manage my time as well.
Overall I have used a range of many different enterprise skills to enable me to create my digital media product. The primary research helped me to use many of these skills as I had to communicate with others in order to find out more information and get feedback on my work and help me to create a better product.
Overall I have used a range of many different enterprise skills to enable me to create my digital media product. The primary research helped me to use many of these skills as I had to communicate with others in order to find out more information and get feedback on my work and help me to create a better product.
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